File Handling FileSelectionPartEmpty

You open a file to record to in the top left part of the main page. The light blue display shows the name of the selected file. If no file is selected, the display is empty.

OpenButton To select a file press the open button.

A file selection box appears. Choose a directory and a name for the file to record to. At the bottom of the window choose the desired attributes of the wave file.


You can choose between 8, 16 and 24 bit integer formats and 32 bit float format. Note that some audio applications cannot read 24 bit and/or 32 bit audio files. If you choose to generate a mono file, both input channels are mixed together into one mono channel. Note that TapeIt uses the current sample rate of your VST hosts to generate the audio file.

FileSelectionPartOpen Having selected a file, the display shows its name and the button function changes.

CloseButton Press the close button to stop your recording and close the file.